Tuesday, September 30, 2008

go white girl!

So me and my friend Manda where hanging out on Thursday and we got on the subject of hair and i told her that when i curl my hair it goes caaapooo! and she didn't believe me so i decided to prove her wrong by putting my hair in curls last night and this morning i woke up and of course my hair was caaapoo! but i went to school with my hair in an affro and everyone loved it!well i got home went to hilary's and toke a picture of it but this picture must i say looks HORRIBLE compared to this morning it was soooo freakin cute, so just imagine it as a fro.

Monday, September 29, 2008

searching for david's heart

okay so in 6th grade Mrs. Burbidge read us alot of books out loud to us while we would do our work and i just loved them i would recommend every book she read us such as...

Alcapone does my shirts
charlette's web
and my personal favorite book Searching for David's heart it is a wonderful Christmas story that i am not going to ruin cause i am going to make you read it NO MATTER WHAT i don't care if you live in massachusetts or have a baby or work a lot you will eventually end up reading it because i don't ever remember getting this into a book i would just bawl in class cause it was just so cute. Any way i have benn searching for this book forever SERIOUSLY! but they stopped selling it so yesterday after everyone left i was think about this book and getting very annoyed because i won't be able to read it again when all of the sudden i thought of amazon and i ran downstairs and i almost cryed when i saw that they had it and right then i spent a well worth it $5. THANK YOU AMAZON!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i caught a Bass!

So kylie has been sending me these AMAZING photos of bass so i thought i would post them with my comments on them mostly so Gen can see them...

this is exactly bass such a little spidey and when he knows he is doing something wrong looks at ya and giggle like haha just forget about what's happening please cause i am being cute!

i laugh so loud out loud this is just so freakin funny

another bass classic see i babysit bass quite a bit and i know how much he loves outside and of course the HOSE

this a picture that i can imagine in my mind how it happened kylie had to have said CHEESE at some point.

a little close up on bass on the rescue!

the beloved phone basil's life revolves around kylie's old phone which which as you can guess they are definitely getting there money's worth out of it.

Bass laughin sooo cute

Kylie and Jonathan thanks for bringing basil into my life he is a joy i love him very much and can't wait to babysit him tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

chuck the cheese

so here are the pictures from the photo booth at chuck e. cheese:

This is Kristin and Randy's birthday card i am not done with it!

THIS picture is my favorite see basil would not sit still so we decided to throw him in at the last second but it resulted in basil looking like he is getting abducted and me and krick don't care!

Family Portrait!

Me kissin my one and only Ash potatoes...I love you Ashie!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

talk about an expander...

So today i got an expander the most painful thing yet in my life. see i was seriously crying my eyes out in the chair they toke 3 breaks, because i was scaring them so bad but yeah it is really interesting just look for yourself:

i figured that it would be weird taking a picture of the one in my mouth so this is one that looks just like mine, but you can see it better see the square in the middle that is where i put in this key (below) every morning and slide it so that it will make my upper jaw grow...

yes this is the key that wire on it is the main thing that i stick in the hole:

there's the hole, but yeah update so the guy i like, we are super duper good friends and he thought it was cute how i couldn't talk....well tah dah there's my post!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Happy Birthday Kristin Wells!!!!!! I love you every much! muah! muah! so today Hilary, Kristin, and I went and got our eyebrows waxed at sego lily and i would Highly recommend going there the girl was Super nice and did a great job so here is my little commercial add for my brows:



horray!!!! thanks hilary and krick for inviteing me, my brows look really great even though these pictures don't do quite the justice as, as well as they do in real life!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

scrap til I crap

K, so i just thought of the title and named it this because scrap bookers are always thinking of cute, super cheesy sayings. and no i don't ever poo in this story... anyway i love to scrapbook it is my first and last hobby! but tomorrow is the scrap booking expo at southtowne expo center and I'm really kinda bummed out cause gen is gone, gen said when she left that i couldn't cry ever because she was gone, and i told her there was one exception the scrap booking expo. so yeah i am really sad right now, but I'll get over it. so with it being my favorite time of year i thought i would post the reasons i love the scrap booking expo.

#1- the crazy beyond your wildest dream sales...

#2- the classes (this is what i am making this year)

#3-S.E.I. the cheapest place to buy scrapbooks EVER! retail: $4

#4- Quickutz i really like this place cause the have cute comfy T's for $5

#5- this is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the scrap booking expo. essential it is......drum role.... Gen i love you gen and 9/10 of my scrap booking expo. tradition is gone, i am never going to even come close to having as much fun as we did for those many years of memories at the expo. it is what i lived for during Sept. and April forget my birthday that's nothin... but the expo. was our fun little thing that was ours... i miss ya gen and I'll try to enjoy it in Saturday enough for the both of us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my love of my life...

I most say i can't not live without this, it is my best friend, my medicine, and 3/4 of my heart goes to the OFFICE most of you would agree with me i am so excited to find out what happens with Pam and Jim. To see angela prego with not Andy's baby... P.S. these are just guesses i don't want anyone to say i'm ruining there season! But yes it starts in a week from TOMORROW but i thought i would share some of my favorite parts of the wonder Office, well i can't get it to load so here:


well, i love kelly and can't wait for next thursday!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Thanks to Jodi, Boyd, Porter, and Mags! it was a great night i loved it! So let me explain so you know what's goin on. So last night was Porter, my nephews birthday and we spent it with him and Chucky the Big cheese, and let me say (Jodi don't take this the wrong way it was super fun and Porter LOVED it) but when Chucky came out i thought to myself that Chucky as probably some bum they found off the street that they where like, "Hey want to came work for us, you just have to dress-up as a mouse and hug some children...oh, let's throw in some dances too. But sorry that was totally of subject. SUBJECT: there they had this photo booth, i guess that's what you would call it, but it didn't just take the picture it would sketch it... you'll see in my next blog. But we (kylie, krick, Bass, and I) got some amazing photos between the 7-10 photos we got a picture of just about anything including what looks like... Bass getting kidnapped, dis functional family portrait, retarded Krick and i, basil's forehead and i, kristin's birthday card... and many more.

Monday, September 15, 2008


So i have been looking for a photo a my crush ever since my schedule to get a hold of a picture of my crush Jeffy and i had know clue how to get one. Until today when i was thinking my friend has a video clip of him on her phone, YES! I know i was freaking out too. So once i get my new phone in the mail. i will have her send it to me and i will post it. taadah! WAIT so her is my flippin sweet phone...

K, so it's kinda lame but i'm excited!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Full Time

I was thinking and i think Kristin, Hilary and Kylie would agree with me to quit school and become a full time aunt! See on Monday i would go with Hilary but then the other days krick and kylie could fight for my other part of the schedule. See this week Monday i am with Hilary, Tuesday i will probably end up makeing Asher have Telts Time (which is when i go over there, Wednesday i will end up watching/Partying ANTM with kristin (hilary you wanna come PARTY!), Thursday Basil/Asher day-Gwammy and i will be watching Basil and Ash potatoes!haha!, Friday- sweepover (man writing a post about the littles' is making me write in baby talk, how sad) anyway sweepover with Ash potatoes and i am soooo excited! yeah so i think i am meant for be Super Aunt, not STUDENT of Albion. this Sucks...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

my schedule..

this is my average schedule for a day...

6:45* wake up
7:30* go to school
7:55-2:50* and through this time i blow something up,write in 5 different journals,get really sweaty, eat at the same right corner since 7th grade, work my math skills, learn 20 new el spanish words, talk to the guy i like, watch channel 1, sing three songs (never all the way through)and then walk home like nothing has happened.
3:15* wish i was with Asher
3:30* hit the books
5:00* mom arrives
7:00* eat
10:00* sleep

the point is school is actually really interesting and i love MOST of my classes, and without gym it would be a great day everyday. the reason i thought to write about my day was because my Science teacher once told me that "If you live for tomorrow you're going to miss a lot today." and i thought to myself everyday i have a great life. Even if it's tough sometimes.

Monday, September 8, 2008


yes i will never be called braceface EVER! if you would like to make fun of my braces call me iron man or ironwoman!!! yes i got braces today so heres a picture:

i was just fooling around...

...don't laugh...

here comes the ugly one...

i no it's ewww... but i wanted to show you the actual braces.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

the cycle

so here is the cycle of braces first spacers... as you all already know but i figured i should take picture of them before they are gone and post them, so here they are... oh p.s. sorry they are crap but it's hard taking pictures of them by yourself:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

excitment allergy

Our family is totally allergic to excitement, tomorrow is my birthday and of course i had to get excited and get sick...for specificness a fever of 100 degrees, a soar throat, the worst thing ever CHILLS! and getting stuck watching ozzi for 5 hours during this mess!!!! ahh i am going insane!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cali '08

here are some pictures from our trip to Cali that i liked:

Asher excited for Vacation

The Pier

Basil and I at the beach

This is where Derek and Hilary slept (YIKES)

Asher and I at In & Out

The rain

So, i am spending the weekend at Jodi's and it has been a storm this whole time. it's crazy last night you couldn't even see outside, except for this red blob and so i was like what is that so i go outside and Porter is sitting on top of his tree house looking like Noah and the Ark. haha